with Viduo Live
with Lifetime Plan
in Live Video

Stream effortlessly to all leading platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and custom RTMP servers. Video recording capabilities are also included.
Incorporate dynamic animated HTML overlays such as scoreboards. Additionally, you can include your own image banners and utilize a Picture in Picture overlay.
Dual Camera
Capture video using both the front and rear cameras, or integrate with UVC standard cameras on the iPad via the USB-C connector. Implement swipe transitions for a seamless experience.
More to Stream.
Automatically generate and stream additional data from overlay websites, seamlessly integrating it into your broadcast. Stream in portrait mode to effectively showcase your products alongside data generated from your e-shop. Incorporate real-time overlays, likes, and animated elements to enhance viewer engagement. Utilize services such as scoreboard websites or local league platforms to elevate your sports events. Include Picture in Picture commentary.
Allow your clients to experience your videocast in a fresh, high-quality design. Integrate live online data into your stream or opt to pre-record your session for storage on mobile devices.

Would you like to contact us?
Please reach out to us by sending an email.
Stream anywhere.
RTMP Streaming
Stream using a link and a secret key to connect to any RTMP or RTMPS server.
Stream live to your YouTube channel with automatic reconnection capabilities.
Stream to secondary RTMP server with same encoding. Add backup server for redundancy.
Stream live to your Facebook channel with automatic reconnection capabilities.
Video Recording
You can either pre-record your streaming session or make the final video accessible later from your phone's storage.
Stream live to your Twitch channel with automatic reconnection capabilities.
Your Perfect Plan.
We offer a comprehensive solution. Download app now and experience it for free. If you only stream occasionally, consider our one-week plan for just $2.99. For those who stream frequently throughout the year, our cost-effective lifetime plan provides significant savings of over $100 in first year compared to the weekly plan (based on 52 weeks in a year).
- Limited to 3 days trial
- Streaming and Recording
- HTML Overlays
- Picture in Picture
- Website Tutorials
Pro Service
- Subscription based
- Streaming and Recording
- HTML Overlays
- Picture in Picture
- Email Support
Lifetime Pro
- One time payment
- Streaming and Recording
- HTML Overlays
- Picture in Picture
- Email Support
Save over $100 with Lifetime Pro.
Savings calculated on a $54.99 Lifetime price.
Years of
overlay Sites
over the world
What is the process for toggling between dual cameras?
Swipe horizontally or vertically to initiate a transition. For a complete transition, perform a double swipe. Additionally, utilize the volume button on your Bluetooth device to trigger the action.
How to change subscription?
On camera view click on Menu icon and "Viduo Pro Service".
How to start Youtube streaming?
On Youtube website click on +Create / Go Live. Copy Stream URL and Stream Key from Stream Settings to Viduo.
How to start Facebook streaming?
On Facebook website click on Live Video / Go Live. Copy Server URL (in Advanced Settings) and Stream Key to Viduo.
How to change stream orientation?
You can stream in both Portrait and Landscape mode. To change this simple rotate your device. After streaming starts Viduo auto locks your starting orientation.